Transforming IT - Into systems that just work...

Macross IT

Macross Information Technology supplies reliable, efficient and timely services to small and medium businesses across south east Queensland and northern NSW. Our client base spans a number of industries. We welcome clients from all business types, but we do have a special affinity with the Medical Private Practice sector. In our many years of experience in helping and support specialist businesses, we have grown to understand the complex and diverse challenges that face professional practices and main stream businesses alike. We understand the critical nature of Medical applications and that these need to be available all day, every day! Specialist clinics from single doctors, to large multi-site practices encompassing many doctors have come to rely on Macross as their I.T. service providers.

Medical Specialists


Our unique experience within Medical Private Practice has enabled us to build solutions that are tailored to the business requirements, delivering increased productivity, functionality and enhancing workflow. Meeting these challenges with a wealth of knowledge in leading and ground breaking technologies enables us to deliver robust, flexible solutions that empower business to utilize the full potential of their I.T. infrastructure. Transforming your IT into a powerful and enabling facet of your business is our goal.

Your IT Department

Building relationships with our clients gives us insight into the way they operate and the pain points that can be holding productivity back. We work closely with client staff members to understand their jobs and how we can help them to make things work better. This means staff are able to get on with doing the work at hand, using the I.T. systems to work more efficiently, without the frustration. A well designed and implemented computer system gives your staff a solid foundation from which to complete their daily duties.

Talk to us today

We pride ourselves in being able to communicate with you and your staff at a meaningful level.  Our engineers always endevour to explain what happened to your system, how we fixed it and how to prevent it from happening again.  There are no smoke and mirrors, or baffling jargon.

Talk to us and see how we can transform your IT into a powerful business asset